Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome to the Moviestar Chronicles

Happy New Year!!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog aka the "Moviestar Chronicles". My journey as a professional actor has been interesting, rewarding, addicting and difficult at various times. A few months ago I was talking with my old roommate and just telling him stories about the journey and he made a great suggestion. He told me "Dude, why don't you blog about this. It will be a great way for folks to follow an actor from unknown to household name." Wow, I guess I never thought about it that way. That's really what my journey is about. I'm not ashamed to say that I want to be the biggest Moviestar on earth one day. It has taken a lot of work to get to where I am and there is a TON of work that I have to do in order to be a full fledged Moviestar. I am inviting you all to join me on this journey and see what I go through while pursuing my stardom in the biggest and most competitive market for film and TV acting..Los Angeles, CA

So a little bit about how I got "here". I'm a Southern California kid born in Riverside. I did a little bit of acting in middle and high school. I never thought about it as a career then but I always remember how absolutely FUN plays were in high school. (shot out to Mrs. Hawkins, my first drama teacher) I went on to college and was a theatre minor (poli sci major) again thinking only of keeping the fun in my life. Graduation came and I took a job in the investment industry that took me to San Francisco. For the next few years acting was completely out of my life. I didn't miss it much at the time because I was in Wall Street mode which means the almighty dollar is your number 1 priority. Don't get me wrong this is fact, not a judgement of Wall St. If you are to succeed in that industry its the only way. I was doing alright financially for a young single guy. I remember sitting in my fancy loft apartment surrounded by nice tailored suits and boxes of really expensive shoes (among other trappings of "success" for a young guy) in front of my huge flat screen television when I asked myself one of the two most important questions of my life..."Is this really this really what my life is about?" I asked myself that question and variations for long time searching for what I really wanted or needed to do with my life. Its really scary in the beginning to look in the mirror at who you are inside and who you have become and see where those images don't coincide. It had to be done for me to rediscover that thing that was missing in my life. Every day this question was on my mind with no clear answer in my mind. What I didn't know at the time is that it would take a future family tragedy to free my mind and set me on the right path..

Thanks for reading. I promise to you all to always be honest and to update it at least once a week. Oh yeah, I like to end with a little inspiration

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us"

Happy 2012!

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